Sunday 29 May 2011

Escape Velocity: The Anthology Has Been Out For Sodding Ages

I really owe Geoff Nelder and Robert Blevins an apology.

 I'm normally the first one to rattle on endlessly when something containing my work comes out.  Yet Escape Velocity: The Anthology - a combination best of / final issue of the short-lived but well respected sci-fi magazine called, unsurprisingly, Escape Velocity - has been out for days, if not weeks, if not possibly about a month, and I'm only mentioning it now.  Why?  Um.  No reason, really.  Stuff just kept happening, and I'm as easily distracted as the average three year old.

So ... the blurb is probably a decent place to start:

Escape Velocity, the science fiction magazine from Adventure Books of Seattle, was host to some of the most talented writers in the genre. Presented here are many of the best short stories from the magazine, as well as others specially submitted for this collection by authors from around the world. This very unique book contains forty-eight sci-fi stories, such as 'Scream Quietly' by Sheila Crosby, 'Royal Flush,' by Ian Whates, and Rebecca Latyntseva's controversial time-travel tale, 'Red Monkeys'. The stunning cover images only add to what is undoubtably one of the best science fiction collections of the year. Edited by Geoff Nelder of Great Britain and Robert Blevins of the United States.

As for my story, the long-windedly titled It's Easier to Pretend in the Dark ... how many times have you read an Asimov robot story and thought, "This is great and all, but I just wish it was a bit more weird and kinky"?  If you're anything like me, the answer to that question is, "at least once."  And if you're not then you'll probably find It's Easier to Pretend a bit baffling and dodgy.  Which it is, undoubtedly - but I hope in a good way.

EV: The Anthology is already riding high in the Amazon SF Short Stories category, reaching as high as number 26 thus far.  However, the only review I've found so far is this one, originally posted on the BSFA's forum but since vanished; cheeringly, Andy picks out It's Easier to Pretend for special mention.  Also, my co-athologee Bec Zugor mentions me in her list of personal highlights.  Based on the sample fiction on Bec's website, I suspect I'll be enjoying her story, Caveat Emptor!, just as much once I lay my hands on a copy.

So - there it is, hopefully better late than never.  Escape Velocity: The Anthology can be purchased in both print and Kindle formats from both Amazon UK and Amazon US.

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